post-ACTAlyps & Party
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Post-ACTAlyps & Party | |
Name | Post-ACTAlyps & Party |
Contact | |
Duration | 2010/05/01 - 2010/05/01 |
Information | 15:00 Een hacktivism en brainstorm session met Bits of Freedom & Vrijschrift over het ACTA verdrag dat op dat moment als het goed is openbaar is, 19:00 Daarop volgend een party
Post-ACTAlyps & Party
With the imminent release of the final texts of the ACTA agreement it is time to take a comb and go through the implications of the contents, look at the consequences and changes the text entails for us in person and society in general. We cordially invite hacktivists to join us on may 1st, 15.00 hours at Revelation Space[1].
Subjects of discussion:
- What is ACTA;
- What can we do about it;
- When filtering is mandatory, what to do and how to handle this;
- How effective is filtering really, and can it be circumvented?
- Can we work around the new restrictions introduced by the agreement?
In addition, there will be time for analysis of the text and informal discussion.
This workshop is facilitated and supported by several key players in the field of ICT and society:
- Bits of Freedom
- Vrijschrift
- HXX Foundation
The location of this meetup is at Revelation Space in The Hague, NL. The meetup is publicly accessible. Doors open at 14:00, start of the sessions at 15:00. After the discussion, participants are free to join the party and BBQ (weather permitting) that is planned for the evening[5].
- Walter van Holst (Vrijschrift)
- Ot van Daalen (BoF) Party May 1st 2010
Saturday May 1st, starting at 19:00 hours, RevSpace invites hackerspaces from all around The Netherlands and beyond for a little party in The Hague. We want to bring together the people working at the various dutch hackerspaces (and further away) in a social and fun atmosphere.
The goal: have a great time together, socialise and perhaps scheme plans for world domination. Or at least see where we can learn from each other and help each other.
In short: a nice evening with drinks/snacks and some music.
If you know people who should definitely be here, by all means share this invitation.
Bring your own stuff:
- Drinks (we have beer, soda, mate etc)
- Snacks (we have chips and chocolate)
- Stuff, cool projects, interesting people
We have a basic supply of beverages and snacks on sale as well, but if you want to get drunk you should bring the toxic yourself.
There's room to sleep, if you want to stay the night. However, do bring your own sleeping equipment! For the adventerous, there's even a shower in the building for the morning after.
If you want to arrive earlier, that's probably fine but let us know..
The line-up will feature:
- DJ Random
- Positions available (let us know if you want to spin the wheels)
If you've got some vinyl or other cool music, feel free to bring it! Especially if it's 8-bit or less..
Location: Revelation Space Binckhorstlaan 172 2516 BG The Hague The Netherlands