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eth0:2010 Summer

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eth0:2010 Summer
Name eth0:2010 Summer
Duration 2010/08/10 - 2010/08/13
Information Eth0:2010 Summer Event!

* Location:

  1. Het boshuis, # Noorderdijkweg 23, # 1771 MJ, # Wieringerwerf

* Ticket price: 125 Euro early bird, 145 normal
* Sign-up page:

poster (pdf) (png) (svg)
flyer (pdf) (svg)

STAY INFORMED: Check the latest announcements for Eth0:2010 Summer. Regarding the program, food, traveling, network, stuff to bring, activties, call for help and free tickets.

Eth0:2010 Summer is an outdoor high-tech geek conference planned for this summer. It aims toward sharing knowledge on tech/IT related fields including security, networks, programming, privacy, new (open) technologies, ethics and hacking. At daylight there are talks on these subjects, but when the sun goes down its definitely time to pick up the slack. There will be enough to do, as we have a bonfire, a fully equipped lounge (with bar) and a retro area. Maybe someone brings along laser-tag and there is room to party. Enough reason to pick up the slack and go to Eth0?

The event starts at the 10th of august and will last four days. Its a Geek Certified Outdoor Camping Craze(tm): a.k.a. we're situated in a heavily forested area. The campsite provides everything you might want. Such as showers, a conference hall, mosquitoes, a lounge, villages and enough soil to set up your tent. There is even a Family Village in case you bring youngsters.

Want to join the fun? The four-day ticket costs 160 euro and is available at the ticket shop. Order now! ;) Want to know more about eth-0? Check out the other wiki pages to see what we're up to!

See you at eth-0:2010 Summer!

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eth0:2010 - What to expect

These are some of the things you can bump into when you're on eth0:2010:

This is information about the Eth0:2010 Summer Edition.

Wiki users that are also Attendees

Do you want the rest of the world to know that you're attending? A few people thought so... and they added their name on the list... Will-Do, Zarya, DrWhax, diggie, failbaitr, Elmer, Pluisje, SheGeek, Tristan, Boomhut, thyrif, Fugu, MishMash, Stitch, Aequitas, Brainsmoke, KinfOfDos, Stoneshop, Airwolf, Mischa, Dekkers, Cinder, Dreamer, FooBar, Thice, Loup, Vicarious, Mittagessen, CyBaH, Moem, pluisje, Bienetje

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