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loups bd madness

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Loup's BDay Madness
Name Loup's BDay Madness

Duration 2010/07/09 - 2010/07/11


There was a metric shit tonne of r41n and it was, like, totally fucking awesome!!!!!!!!1111111eeennn LOL

Photos coming soon.

Too bad we lost one tent and probably did damage to the second, but it was a great training drill for eth0.

Don't forget kids, bring your waterdichtzakjes jwt.


Lotsa nerding in Wageningen, with campfires, tents, 100mbit internet, fud, kittehs, chicks, and the occasional hippie


  • BBQ
  • Slacken
  • Nerden
  • Teknoën
  • Bieren
  • Hmmmmen
  • Gek zijn


Droevendaalsesteeg 55, Wageningen


18u Friday the 9th, until we stop. We're cleaning up Alex's garden on Sunday Evening


Bring a tent and a sleeping bag, we've got places to pitch it. If you need anything, ask loup, he's got extra resources.


Because we can.

What to bring?

  • MEAT!
  • Fud
  • Booze
  • Tent
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Computer
  • Power strips
  • A vague sense of humor


  • loupgaroublond
  • dreamer (duh, private party in my room ;))
  • buZz
  • aequitas - gaat hem niet worden
  • Weazle
  • psy
  • gido
  • Buju
  • ..Property "Event Present User" (as page type) with input value "User:.." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.


So we have seven questions that start with W

The invitation i sent out by email

On the eve of the 9th of July, this year, 2010 after the birth of the anti-anti-christ, under the good graces of Her Royal Majesty, Queen Hlrahrfaxxbl of the ever watchful and merciful planet of Zargon, his Lack of Social Grace, Yaakov M Nemoy, would like to invite you to a private celebration in Wageningen. On this date we will commemorate the coming to an end of his 26th revolution around a lukewarm yellow sun, and the beginning of his 27th revolution. Counterrevolutionaries need not RSVP. We will join together in a ceremony of uniting together as one, rejoicing in what is in the past and wondering in amazement what the future may bring.

Please come together with Yaakov as he reaffirms his very sense of living being, and then get so drunk that we all forget this embarrassing episode.

Business will be as unusual. We'll start with a campfire and BBQ at Alex's in Droevendaal 55 in Wageningen. There will be party tents, duct tape and tarps and the ever omnipresent 100mbit internet. All glory to Hypnotoad. The party will go on as long as you like, but we're going to clean up either sunday evening or when the cops come, which ever comes earlier. If you've never been to Droevendaal before, you should know what to expect. Droef is a student village on the outskirts of Wageningen with alot of open space and Alex's garden where we can hang out. There's space behind Alex's house for camping, and plenty of parking spaces, even for busses. We're going to be up really late, and maybe even making lots of noise.

Due to circumstances, the menu might not be so extravagant as the last time. I will be getting a couple of crates of beer, some random bits for the grill, and some other random vegetarian bits. If you wanted to bring me a birthday present, please bring food, alcohol, or other consumables. If you still feel like giving me a present, i recommend the German way of doing things. You all have each other's email's from this email, put together a pool and get one nice thing, rather than lot's of things.

Getting to Wageningen is pretty easy by train, car, bike, foot, and hand powered helicopter. You can even get there by boat. For most of you, you get the train going through Utrecht to Ede-Wageningen, then take the 88 bus to Droevendaalssteeg. If you're going by bike, use the paddenstoels from Utrecht, from Amsterdamn to Utrecht, follow the Amsterdamn-Rijn parkeerplaats (the kanaal). If you have a hand powered helicopter, well, Bob's your uncle.

If you are coming, please RSVP by Thursday night, the 8th, so i know how much food to get. Also let me know if you please let me know if you love animals with big cute eyes or the taste of flesh too, so i know what to get. Also, if you need a place to crash, let me know, and brush the dust off your tent and sleeping bag.

So, important facts:

  • Intarwebz
  • Cool Cats
  • FIRE!!!!!!!111111eeeneleventighonderedeneeneen
  • Fud
  • Glolsch
  • Camping
  • Fun
  • Goddamn Overdone Hippie Shit (GOSH!)
  • And More!
  • July 9, 2010 Uncommon Era


Since it's Weazle's birthday at the 12th of July, he will throw in a free crate of hertog jan, wohooo!


In the following days after this mad party, you'd think some people probably lost something in the b1gg3st St0r/m\ 3VeH, well here's a list:

  • Lost: Sansa USB cable fit's with a Sansa Fuze [Weazle]
  • Lost: A brain [Some idiot]
  • Lost: A pinky [Some other idiot]