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pluisje's 33rd birthday
Name pluisje's 33rd birthday
Contact pluisje
Duration 2016/07/30 - 2016/07/30
Information BBQ!!!!11

* Location: Alphen ad Rijn
* Open from: 16:00:00


July 30th I turn 33, which is an excellent excuse for a BBQ. Also, I have a new house & spawn which both are in need of admiring.


Alphen aan den Rijn, feel free to poke me if you don't know the new address. There is an actual garden now for BBQing!


Saturday July 30th 2016


Sure, just bring some equipment :) Do keep in mind the spawn can be a bit noisy at night though, so bring earplugs or enough booze if required.


  • BBQ
  • Slacking
  • Licking

What to bring?

Yourself, mostly. Don't really need presents, but something nice to eat, drink or lick is always welcome.
