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Revision as of 20:27, 14 July 2008 by BuZz (talk | contribs)
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outside dreamer's house there is a lot of grass. we can put up tents and tables for a nice outdoor lanparty.

we will have 100mbit fdx internet and power available. also wireless will be provided and a fireplace is already there. also, dreamer will fix-up the outside cocktailbar :D


from Thursday 24th july until Saturday 26th july

in the night of 26th on 27th dreamer and buZz are leaving for a party, we will probably break up the event before that time


because there is never enough!!!

what teh cost

probably we will not ask entrance, however we could provide food etc for everyone. we will sort that out on the event.


See Google maps

nicely between A12, A50 and A15
