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Wintersport 2011
Name Wintersport 2011

Duration 2011/03/11 - 2011/03/19
Information Wintersport in Andorra


Snowflakes will be dropping down in Andorra in 2011, and it would be a waste not to be there to enjoy it. So who will be coming along? Please fill in your name if your interested to come. For the previous events look here 2009 edition & 2010 edition.


13/1/2011 - Jan just made the bank transfer, so our booking is been made!! (I also have a confirmation now) gmc & elanthia can't come afterall, but Jacko would like to join. So it's 7 people

The lodging costs EUR 1233 (EUR 1195 without bedlinen). That comes down to EUR 1233 / 7 participants = EUR 177 each

Expected expense

Based on last year's expense, and four people per car.
* 120 -> fuel
* 25 -> toll fees
* 177 -> lodging
* 150 -> ski passes
* 100 -> foodstuffs
* 572 per person in total.

Pay up now

Transfer money please (because centralised payments are way easier):

  • Account number: 000000 (it's a Postbank/'Giro' account)
  • Account holder: "J.Gerritsma AMSTERDAM"
  • Amount: EUR 572,-


Andorra, in this apartment


  • Elanthia - Opel Corsa, 4 people
  • Will-Do - Asked to borrow the car of my parents. Renault Megane Scenic,it's a 4 people -and ski stuff- car (or 5 without), incl winter tires and outside-of-Holland-insurance. Snow chains are an option. With fuel costs
  • FooBar - Renault Megane Van Diesel (2 ppl, lotsa gear), with fuel cost (but cheap-ish, it seems we are only with 6 driving from .nl, so is an option). (no winter-tires (yet))

Mission Statement(s)

  • Attach glyphs to the Stargate in Arcalis


Travel schedule

  • The apartment is booked from the 12th - 19th of March, 2011
  • Departure from the Amsterdam: 2010-03-11 21:00 CET (per Jildou's suggestion)
  • Planned arrival in Andorra at: 2010-03-12 13:00 CET
  • Departure from Andorra back home: 2010-03-19 10:00 CET (Hotel checkout time is 10:00)
  • Expected arrival time in the Netherlands: 2010-03-20 02:00 CET
  • Will-Do wants to leave around 20/21 o'clock at Friday evening. Drive the whole night, and arrive in Andorra around 14/15 the next day. We have to leave at 10am on Saturday, so I think it is a good idea to have a good night of sleep and leave in the morning. Then we arrive somewhere late that evening in Holland, and we still have a day to acclimate back to normal life.

Pack list

  • Warm clothes
  • Gloves
  • Ski/Board gear
  • Laptop
  • Book(s)
  • Snacks for on the road


  1. Elmer
  2. failbaitr
  3. diggie
  4. Will-Do
  5. Foobar
  6. James
  7. (Brainsmoke) - maybe, if there is enough money in February
  8. gmc
  9. Elanthia - unless she finds a big pile of money