From Eth0Wiki
Wintersport | |
Name | Wintersport
Duration | Februari 2010 - Maart 2010 |
Information | Wintersport in Andorra |
Wintersporten in Andorra
Andorra, of, als iemand een geniaal alternatief heeft misschien .... (vul alternatief hier in)
Ik kreeg dit in de mail net:
Sent from Paul Mikhelson, "Hola Andorra chalets and apartments" located in Arinsal, Andorra
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
You are receiving this E-mail as you either reserved one of our holiday properties in Arinsal in Andorra or at least requested more information on them in the past. Some of may not have heard from us in years so we decided to keep you up to date on Arinsal in Andorra as well as on our holiday properties.
We hate SPAM as much as you do. If you do want to receive news from us (sent VERY occasionally), simply send this message back with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
Everyone is going on and on about the flu, Afghanistan and the crisis! Snow is forecasted for Wednesday in Andorra so we thought we would send you some more good news:
* We just recently added an appartement for up to 10 persons to the properties we offer for holiday rental (reference A810). Many weeks are still available. It is located right in the middle of the resort, has 4 double bedrooms, a fire place and a parking space in the building's garage. The next bit is confidential: we will probably be adding a similar apartment next week. We still need to inspect the apartment to make sure it is up to our standards. If we add the apartment, ALL WEEKS will be available for this winter. * We still have availability for X-mas!!!! (Dec 19 to Dec 26) * Our rental prices are the same as last year (except for the chalets during X-mas and Feb.) * The price for the ski passes are the same as last year: no increase in price for the 2009-2010 season! * There's a new cheaper ski pass for youngsters from 12 to 17 years of age * We now offer a 20% discount on ski rental * We also offer a 10% discount on group ski lessons! * Children in the Kindergarten and snow park can now have lunch there for a reasonable price. * There's a new Freestyle Area and Boarder Cross area in Arcalis * Arcalis now has the "tunnel" piste, the longest piste for beginners in the Pyrenees! * There's free bus that connects the Pal, Arinsal and Arcalis resorts! This is good news for those of you that come up to Arinsal from the airport with the NOVATEL bus (that we can organise for you) * The old and rarely open piste from the Arinsal ski resort right down to the village has been widened and equipped with snow cannons. You will be able to ski right down to Arinsal itself! * There are even more rails and jumps being built in Arinsal * A new beginners Freestyle area had been built in Pal * The resorts are scheduled to ope on November 28th.
You will find all the info on our new apartments and on the ski resort by taking a look at our website Prices and an updated availability calendar for the winter season can be found here:
Please feel free to contact me via E-mail ( or via phone (+376) 869 181 (Mon-Fri 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19.00) if you need more information or if I can be of help in any way.
Hoping that this E-mail make make you feel like a ski in Andorra next winter,
Kind Regards,
Paul Mikhelson Hola Andorra Fiter Rossell ave 73 AD700 Escaldes Andorra Tel (+376) 869 181 Fax (+376) 869 182 E-mail:
Rond de voorjaarsvakantie. Aangezien die voor de verschillende stukjes nederland anders liggen en sommige mensen niet geboden zijn aan school spreken we het precies af wanneer bekend is wie allemaal mee gaan
- Inventariseren wie er mee zouden willen
- Bij elkaar komen en overleggen over de invulling van de vakantie, te denken aan:
* kookschema's ivm: ieders eetwensen en minder tijd bezig met inkopen/koken, op tijd eten. * activiteitenplanning en de beschikbaarheid van transport hiervoor * financiële mogelijkheden van iedereen * bepalen wie wat wil/kan doen (bv: rijden, koken)
- Boeken
- Op reis gaan
- Skiën/Snowboarden \o/
Voorlopige Wie
Zet je naam erbij als je eventueel ook mee zou willen gaan.
Later gaan we het met elkaar hebben over uitslaaptijden e.d., dan jullie allemaal vragen of jullie zeker weten of jullie nog mee willen, op basis daarvan afspraken maken wbt datum, prijs, plaats, e.d en daarna pas boeken.
Graag vóór 1 dec aangeven of je mee zou willen, dan is er daarna nog genoeg tijd om te overleggen en boeken
- Will-Do
- Syb (als er goede afspraken zijn en niet hetzelfde 'gezeur' als vorige keer) - Natuurlijk, daarom ook deze inschrijving. Dan kunnen we praten met iedereen die mee wil, afspraken maken en dan pas dingen officieel plannen ;) (Will-Do)
- Aequitas -> Wil eventueel financiële gedeelte wel regelen
- VeXocide, mogenlijk onder voorbehoud om tal van redenen
- Failbaitr
- Floes
- FooBar (pending)
- ...