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== What ==
== What ==
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The date is set to:
The date is set to:
<big>saturday 27 november</big>
<big>saturday 27 november</big>
From 10:00 until 18:00
== Who's coming? ==
== Who's coming? ==

Revision as of 09:40, 18 November 2010

Inventoryday II
Name Inventoryday II
Contact Aequitas
Duration 2010/11/27 - 2010/11/27
Information We've got loads of stuff and even two new containers with new goods. Time to inventorize and see who can use what. Leftovers will be fed to the garbage can / donated to whomever wants.

* Location: Alkmaar, Project 072
* Open from: 10:00


(evil) boxes

Inventory day is when we categorize all the stuff in the ETH-0 storage.

The storage is getting to full so we have to prioritize. Throw away what we won't use, save what we still need. Be there if you want to make sure the right things are kept.

All the teams will be responsible for their own stuff. The teamleads have to be present, or send at least one person to participate in their place. There is no guarantee that the stuff of the team that isn't present will survive the day.


carpets and fatboys

We've got a lot of stuff, including two new containers loaded with new things we might or might not want to use.

By handling all the stuff, we can decide on what to keep, and possibly think of new epic projects to start with the things we have no purpose for right now.

When everything is neatly packed, tagged and photographed we want to make this stuff available to the rest of the hacker community.

Also we're going to throw/give stuff away. There is a lot of stuff we don't use anymore. It's a waste if we trow away stuff we could use in the future and keep stuff we don't need.


Drinks and food (snacks/meal) will be provided. Because we all know volunteers run on food.

Who's needed?


Teamleads should come (or send a representative) to determine what stuff they want to keep for future use by their team.


Everybody who is available should come and help. It's a lot of work but enough people will make it a fun and easy task.


The inventory day will take a whole day, starting near the end of the morning until the evening. We hope to stop early. But this really depends on the number of people who come to help.

The date is set to: saturday 27 november From 10:00 until 18:00

Who's coming?

  • Aequitas
  • Will-Do
  • Failbaitr
  • MishMash
  • Cinder
  • Elmer
  • Pluisje
  • Samantha
  • Peter
  • Vicarious
  • Diggie waarschijnlijk toch! (en Leelo komt misschien ook mee om te helpen)
  • you?
  • and you??
  • Stitch Zit dan in Zweden(TM)


The storage, Project072, Alkmaar

For directions ask Aequitas or other crew


    Present by failbaitr and Elmer in the when list   * Bestuur: Lead:failbaitr                 (total: 3-4 members)
                                                      * Bar - Teamlead:                         (total: ? members)
    Present by Elmer in the when list                 * Administration / Organizer: Lead:Elmer  (total: 1 member)
                                                      * AV - Teamlead: Stoney                   (total: 1 member)
    Present by Elmer in the when list                 * Cashdesk - Teamlead: Elmer              (total: 2 members)
    Present \o/                                       * Design - Teamlead: Diggie               (total: 6 members)
    Present by Cinder in the when list                * First-Aid - Teamlead: Cinder/Vic        (total: 2 members)
                                                      * Food - Teamlead:                        (total: ? members)
                                                      * InfoHelpDesk - Teamlead: Mrmgmgmg       (total: 1 member)
                                                      * Light - Teamlead: KingOfDos             (total: 3 members)
    Present by aetab in the when list                 * Logistics - Teamlead: Aetab             (total: 2 members)
    Present by MishMash in the when list              * Network - Teamlead: MishMash            (total: 5 members)
                                                      * Power - Teamlead: St0neshop             (total: 2 members)
                                                      * Program Teamlead - Foobar               (total: 4 members)
    Present by Cinder in the when list                * Security - Teamlead Cinder              (total: 2 members)
    Present by pluisje in the when list               * Volunteers - Teamlead: Pluisje          (total: 1 member)
    Present by Stitch and Jacko in the when list      * Retro - Teamlead:                       (total: 3 members)