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Line 63: Line 63:
* [[User:Will-Do|Will-Do]]
* [[User:Will-Do|Will-Do]]
* [[User:Moem|Moem]] Bordjes!
* [[User:Moem|Moem]] Bordjes!
* [[User:Gawin|Gawin]]
===Program Committee / Lectures===
===Program Committee / Lectures===
Line 122: Line 123:
* [[User:JeroenDekkers|Dekkers]]
* [[User:JeroenDekkers|Dekkers]]
* [[User:Mischa|Mischa]]
* [[User:Mischa|Mischa]]
* [[User:Gawin|Gawin]]
== See Also ==
== See Also ==
* [[Event:eth1-winter| Eth0:2009 Winter]]
* [[Event:eth1-winter| Eth0:2009 Winter]]
* [ The 2009 Gallery]
* [ The 2009 Gallery]

Revision as of 09:13, 2 December 2009

This is information about the Eth0:2010 Winter Edition.
Eth0:2010 Winter
Name Eth0:2010 Winter
Website [[Event URL::Eth-0 Wiki]]
Duration 16-01-2010 - 17-01-2010
Information [[Event Info::Calendar File: media:Eth02010 Winter.ics

Adress: Noorderdijkweg 23, 1771 MJ, Wieringerwerf

  • Open from: 0:9am
  • Dayprice: 20
  • Full event: 30
  • Signup page: TBD]]
Poster for this lan
Winter Edition Logo

The Eth-0 2010 Winter Edition will be held from January 16 to January 17 2010 at 't Boshuis in Wieringerwerf. The event will last for two days and is filled with high-tech stuff, lectures, socializing, fun and good food. This is the 3rd time this event will take place.

If you want to visit this edition, you can sign up at the front page in a few days.

This is a self-organizing event. If you want to add something, have something cool stories to share or just want to participate in any other way; feel free to do so! You can contact us at almost any time on IRC. Lets do some cool stuff!

Here are some pictures from the 2009 Winter Event:


  • Lectures (to increase your knowledges)
  • Socializing (with real live humans!)
  • Fast computer network (omg, movies in 10 seconds!)
  • Vintage stuff to toy with


To be determined


If you want to help out, just talk to the team members and add your name.

Teams categories and their members


Program Committee / Lectures





Your team here

  •  ???

Your team?


  • Mischa aait layer 1 :)
  • Aldert

Nog geen FLAUW idee maar ik doe wel mee

  • Murf Oh ja, ws iets niet-nerderigs... InfoHelpDesk ofzo :)
  • pluisje Zelfde als op HAR ws, overal rondrennen en helpen waar nodig meisjes likken :)
  • Boelens Weet nog niet zie wel.
  • BuZz prolly lekker met KingofDos meenerden, maar zie wel
  • Stitch random organiserende activiteiten, kan vanalles zijn
  • Aequitas random

I'm there! YES!

It will be possible to sign yourself up for the winter edition soon... at the main site If you are a member of this wiki, then add yourself to the list :)

See Also

Pages in category "Eth0:2010 Winter"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.